Mr. Tweed Country Style Blog

British Cut Flat Front Corduroys

What a Waist!

A pair of trousers is designed with a rise that determines the vertical position for the waistband on your body, if worn naturally*. That position can be everything from low down on your hips to high up well above your belly button. For the sartorially cognisant gentleman, finding a flattering waistline is of great importance.

Here the British flat front trousers have much to offer. Traditionally cut to stay on your natural waist, slightly above the hips, they increase the perceived length of your legs. Flat front and not to wide legs without turn-ups gives a slim impression. A British cut high waist sports jacketA sports jacket, commonly of tougher material than a suit jacket, is meant to be worn with trousers of another colour (and pattern). completes the silhouette.

Some believe high waist trousers would make them look old fashioned. I say they make you look smart. So, if you have not tried high rise trousers before, do not waste more time!


* Some people happily ignore the rise of their trousers, creating entertaining looks like Ali-G, and on the other side of the scale, Mr. Bean.

Average: 4.9 (27 votes)


I agree.

Corduroy, Moleskin and even real khaki chino's look great when they sit on the natural waist.I am 22 and have only just discovered this fact, I feel liberated! Next on my list are some Corduroy trousers like the ones above and a button down tatterstall to wear with a crew neck under my barbour.

Good Show Mr Tweed.

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